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Gun wielding Policemen on traffic duty cannot guarantee safety- GPRTU

The Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), has added its voice to calls on Government to err on the side of caution before arming Police Officers on traffic duties.

Speaking on GBC’s Radio Ghana, the National Vice Chairman of the GPRTU, Robert Sarbah, said the presence of gun wielding Policemen on traffic duty cannot guarantee safety.

He explained that this will rather attract fear and push people into submission.

Meanwhile, Director- General of the Police Public Affairs Directorate, ACP David Eklu has welcomed the directive by the Minister for the Interior, Ambrose Dery to arm Personnel of the Motor Traffic and Transport Division (MTTD).

Speaking on GBC’s Current Affairs Programme, “Focus”, ACP Eklu said the Police Administration is currently looking at the modalities to determine the appropriate weapons to be used.

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