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Happy World Environment Day?


The first global environmental summit held in Stockholm in 1972 led to the establishment of World Environment Day. The inaugural event, which celebrates the planet and promotes sustainable development, was first held on 5 June 1973.Fifty years on, the planet faces the challenges of climate change, loss of biodiversity and environmental pollution.This year’s theme, “Only One Earth” not only echoes the slogan of World Environment Day 1973 but also speaks a truth that may have been forgotten. We have only one Earth, but we are living as though we have 1.6 Earths, according to the United Nations Environment Programme.We need to live in a way that is cognisant of Earth’s finite resources and in harmony with nature which is sustaining life.Over 150 countries will commemorate the day, including South Africa. As the conversations continue, let’s make sure there is action.


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