GBC Ghana Online

Cash crop plantation launched at Bawku

A Cash Crop Seedling Nurseries Establishment, aimed at livelihood empowerment for the people in the Bawku Municipality of the Upper East Region has been launched at Bawku. Themed “increased resilience to climate change in Northern Ghana through the management of water resources and diversification of livelihoods”, the project has an additional benefit of serving as a response to climate change.

The project, which is supported by UNDP/Adaptation Fund, is designed to deliver training to farmers in the project area on best and modern agronomical practices, develop cash crop and general nurseries for plantation establishment and distribution to schools to be planted by each pupil.

A section of beneficiaries

Speaking at the launch, the CEO of Centre for Rural Water Development and Sanitation, Emmanuel Atiisipae Akolgo, said the project will lead to reduced climate change impacts, increased crop yields and household income as well as socio economic enhancement. He added that it will promote cash crop cultivation as a way of agricultural diversification.

According to Mr. Akolgo, about 40,000 seedlings of moringa, grafted mango, cashew and cassia will be produced in the three identified communities. He said about 90 farmers (30 in each community) will be trained as trainer of trainers for the plantations across the Municipality. An additional 30 farmers selected from 10 communities each will be given adequate support to establish private nurseries for commercial purposes whiles 16 selected schools comprising 4 schools in each community will be given seedlings for planting in the school’s premises.

It must be noted that agriculture plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the Bawku Municipality providing household incomes and employment for over 80% of the population. According to the 2010 Population and Housing census, out of a total population of 97,221, 40,823 estimated people are poor in the Municipality hence recording as high as 42% of poverty incidence. To further worsen the situation, climatic conditions render the municipality susceptible to bush fires in the dry season and this exacerbates environmental degradation and poverty in the area hence prompting policy makers to advocate for various interventions to salvage the situation.

Story By: George Asekere – GBC’s Radio Ghana.

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