GBC Ghana Online

EOCO arrests Nigerian man for defrauding Ukrainian businessman $6.5 million

A Nigerian criminal syndicate led by one Sunny Anwamini (Sam) has been arrested by the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) for defrauding a Ukrainian businessman to the tune of 6.5 million dollars.

The suspect, Sunny, 52 was apprehended on Wednesday, July 20 by EOCO in an intelligence led operation in partnership with the National Security.

Source at EOCO say the suspect met his victim (Mazen Farakh), in December 2018 in Ghana during which the the latter expressed interest in purchasing expensive wood pieces known as “Teak”.

Sam after receiving the sum of $6.5 million from the Ukrainian businessman sent photographs of fake pallets of teak stored in custom bonded warehouses and promised to get the goods delivered to Ukraine.

However, Mazen Farakh in his statement at EOCO disclosed that Sunny for over three (3) years failed to deliver the containers of the products as stated in their agreement.

On March 27, 2022, Sunny was arrested by police personnel from the Police Headquarters in Accra but was later released after a brief detention.

But, the Ukrainian business magnet and his Ghanaian partners say they want justice done and wants to recover his $6.5 million from the alleged Nigerian criminal syndicate.


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