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GBC trains reporters in multi-skilling


The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation has trained 50 members of its staff in multi-skilled journalism and digital content production as part of GBC’s transformation drive.

The capacity building effort is to improve on its news and strategic content publication while helping the State Broadcaster to attract more business.

“The objective is to help provide news content in an efficient and cost effective way across all platforms while enhancing our public service broadcasting mandate,” GBC’s Director General Prof Amin Alhassan said.

The trainees were exposed to latest digital tools in news gathering and dissemination as part of a new media integration project.

“We can only justify this investment if we use the acquired skills to improve content and service delivery,” the Head of GBC News, Akushika Acquaye implored the trainees.

As competition increases in the media landscape, it is difficult for public service broadcasters to remain detached from trends in the new competitive environment.

With GBC’s latest investment in broadcast technology, it is a pointer that the public service broadcaster is certainly not being left behind.

The trainees included reporters, magazine show hosts and producers from across GBC’s Regional Bureaus.

“I feel empowered to creatively contribute more to our news production and serve all the platforms better,” GBC’s awarding-winning journalist, Oforiwa Darko said during the workshop.

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