GBC Ghana Online

Ghana’s Richest FPL League: Where Passion Meets Profit

After a 3-month break that has felt like eternity for football fans, the Premier League is back this weekend! That means fantasy football is back.

FPL has been a growing phenomenon amongst Ghanaian football enthusiasts and has grown rapidly over the past 10 years, with over 120,000 players last season.

Players emulate their favourite managers and join mini leagues with fellow football lovers for a chance to win prizes, with some Ghanaians amongst the best in the world.

Meet Selasie Katamani

Selasie Katamani is one of Ghana’s best FPL players, finishing in the top 0.2% globally out of over 10 million players last season.

“I love FPL and I play every year. Last year was a very good season for me; I won most of my mini leagues and even won some cash prizes from some of them.”

Selasie Katamani.

Selasie placed first in several of Ghana’s premier FPL leagues, including the Fantasy Gold League, which offers Ghana’s biggest FPL prize pot and earned Selasie a GHC 5,000 cash prize.

“When I found out I had won the league, I was ecstatic,” Selasie recalled with a grin. “It felt like all the hours I had spent analysing player statistics and match performances had finally paid off.”

Selasie’s victory was no stroke of luck; it was the result of meticulous planning and unwavering determination. He shared some of his winning strategies with us, shedding light on the key factors that contributed to his success.

Selasi leaned heavily on the FPL community to generate some of his winning insights. “A lot of the guys in the Fantasy Gold community are very knowledgeable about football and FPL and regularly share statistics and tips, so I make sure to engage there.

The nice thing is that they are happy to share knowledge even though they are all very competitive.” Selasi also explained his player selection strategy: “I focus on consistent performers. While having star players is important, it’s the consistent point earners who truly make a difference over the course of the season. I also keep a close eye on injuries, transfers, and fixture schedules to make informed decisions each week.”

Selasi is looking forward to the coming season. “I have already created my FPL team and signed up for all the mini leagues. I’m looking forward to defending my titles this year and finishing in the top 1000 globally.”  

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