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NDC sets up Conflict Resolution Committee to resolve internal matters


By Issac Asare

The Congress Committee of the NDC has set up a conflict resolution committee to resolve all internal wranglings within the rank and file and to work to galvanize support toward victory in the 2024 elections.

Speaking on GBCs Talking Point, a member of the NDC Elections Committee, Sam Otukwei Quaye observed that the posture of some candidates that lost at the just-ended delegate congress are bitter, hence the urgency to bring on board all factions to foster unity ahead of the general election.

He said the party is poised to wrest power from the NPP if the new crop of leaders work as a team and rally support with its flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama.

Election pollster and Managing Editor of the Daily Dispatch newspaper, Ben Ephson who was elated about the outcome of the NDC Delegate Congress said the victory of NDC in the next election will depend on how they are able to maximize votes in the so-called swing regions including Western and Greater Accra.

He said the election of Fifi Kwetey as the New General Secretary for the party will make an impact in restoring the voting confidence of electorates in the Volta Region.

Mr. Epson again called on the newly constituted Conflict Resolution Committee to ”work diligently in bringing cohesion”, among candidates and supporters.

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