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Kwahu 2020 Easter Marathon to be launched on February 25


The 2020 Kwahu Easter Marathon to is scheduled to be launched on Tuesday, February 25. The event will be hosted at the MJ Grand Hotel – one of the leading hotels in Accra.

This follows a sponsorship arrangement between the MJ Grand, located in East Legon and the organizers of the event, Medivents Consult, and Kwahu Traditional Council (KTC), as the former has now joined the list of sponsors for the ever-popular and growing competition, that has become a permanent feature on the Easter activities and the sporting calender.

A signed statement by the Events Coordinator and Spokesperson of Medivents Consult, Mr. Edward Boahen said they were excited to welcome MJ Grand Hotel into their fold as one of the sponsors of the competition.

The statement, however, noted that the Grand Launch would also be used to unveil sponsors, who have already announced their association with the event.

It said the partnership would lead to mutual benefits for the two organisations, taking into consideration the popularity of the event.

The statement said the launch would be attended by previous winners of the competition, the Mpraeso Bamuhene, officials of KTC, Let’s Tour Kwahu, the Ghana Athletics Association (GAA) and others.

The marathon fixed for Saturday, April 11, would see close to thousands of long-distance runners across the country compete for honours as well as juicy prize packages.

Some chiefs from Kwahu and its environs are expected to grace the launch of the programs as well as some past winners of the marathon.

Other sponsors of the Marathon; Elbee Electronics, Cocoa Processing Company (CPC), Asky Airlines, Ashfoam, and Parin Africa.

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