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Ghana to ban carbon emissions; Government to import battery vehicles by 2030

Ghana to ban carbon emissions; Government to import battery vehicles by 2030

By Nicholas Osei Wusu Government is to import and introduce battery vehicles for public transportation very soon. Also, feasibility study has already been completed in the Ashanti region for an inter-city light rail transportation system as part of plans for Ghana’s transition from the reliance on fossil fuel as a contributor to carbon emission and […]

Two metre rise in sea levels is plausible by year 2100 – Study

Global sea levels could rise as much as two metres by 2100, experts said in a new study published Monday. That’s more than twice the highest estimate given by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their bombshell 2013 report that said sea levels would rise by between 52 and 98 centimetres by 2100. A […]