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Osu Castle to be refurbished into Presidential Museum


By Doreen Ampofo The Osu Castle is to be renovated and modernised into a Presidential Museum. The project, which will start next year, is part of efforts by the government to increase international and domestic tourist visits to two million each by 2025. The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Dr Ibrahim Awal Mohammed, […]

PR must not be tool for manipulation, deception – Oppong Nkrumah

PR must not be tool for manipulation, deception – Oppong Nkrumah

The Minister of Information, Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, has charged Public Relations (PR) practitioners to uphold the ethical tenets of the profession to harness its power for national development. He said PR had the potential to unite the nation and contribute to its socioeconomic development when rightly used. The Minister said this in a speech […]