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Osu Castle to be refurbished into Presidential Museum


By Doreen Ampofo The Osu Castle is to be renovated and modernised into a Presidential Museum. The project, which will start next year, is part of efforts by the government to increase international and domestic tourist visits to two million each by 2025. The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Dr Ibrahim Awal Mohammed, […]

French Minister of State to pay homage to victims of Slave Trade at Osu Castle

French Minister of State to pay homage to victims of Slave Trade at Osu Castle

By Rachel Kakraba French Minister of State for development, Francophonie and international partnerships, Mrs. Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, has arrived in Accra on a three-day duty tour of Ghana. Her visit would among other things strengthen the partnership between Ghana and deepen multi-dimensional partnership ties between Ghana and France. In line with the speech of the President […]