Rural folks urged to embrace point-of-use water treatment solutions


The Managing Director of Scientific Sanitation Solutions, Victor Adendorff, has urged people in remote rural areas where water infrastructure is non-existent due to economic and engineering constraints to embrace sustainable water treatment point-of-use solutions.

The sustainable point-of-use solutions he noted will ensure that the water that they use is clean, hygienic, free from contamination and safe for use.

Point-of use technologies like Sani-Amanzi which are non-chlorine are effective against antibiotic resistant bacteria and waterborne pathogens.

Mr. Adendorff was speaking to the media at the sideline of the West African Clean Energy and Environment Trade Fair and Conference in Accra.

He said in view of water crisis around the globe it is essential for people to engage in practices that save water bodies.

He noted that the need for alternative water Sanitation products has reached a critical point, saying more and more pathogens are becoming resistant to the traditional water Sanitation methods such as chlorine.

According to World Health Organisation, WHO in its 2015 report every minutes a newborn dies from infection caused by lack of safe water and unclean environment.

Also Human Development Report 2006 revealed that around the World up to 443 million school days are lost every year because of water related illnesses.

Again, WASHWatch has observed that diarrhoea caused by dirty water and poor toilets kill a child under five every two minutes.

These according to Mr. Adendorff are pointers to the need for the world to take water treatments and solutions seriously.

Scientific Sanitation Solutions is the producer of Sani Amanzi water sanitizing solution.

Story by Dominic Hlordzi.

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