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Volta MDCEs get training on ECG PowerApp


By Mabel Annang

The Electricity Company of Ghana has organised a training program to sensitise all Municipal and District Chief Executives in the Volta Region on the ECG PowerApp and the ongoing nationwide revenue mobilisation exercise dubbed ‘Operation Zero’.

The training programme, which took place during the Volta Regional Coordinating Council’s first sessional meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 2023, at the residency conference room in Ho, was attended by the Volta Regional Minister, Regional Heads of Department, Representatives from the House of Chiefs, security agencies, and staff of the Volta Regional Coordinating Council.

Addressing the gathering, the General Manager of ECG in the Volta Region announced that the ECG PowerApp has been updated with features like customer statements, viewing bills, and payment history. All smart prepaid meters in the Volta Region can also view their consumption history.

According to the General Manager, using the ECG PowerApp or the shortcode *226# to transact business does not attract MoMo charges or E-levy so all customers should visit the Google Play Store or App Store and download or update the ECG PowerApp to pay their bills or purchase prepaid credit.

Ms. Jatoe-Kaleo explained that if you are using a postpaid meter, all you need is your account number, while smart prepaid customers need to add their meter numbers to enable them to use the app for payment.

“Once you key in your meter or account number, your details will pop up, and once you are certain those details are yours, click on this is correct button to save your meter and follow the prompts,” she said.

Ms Jatoe-Kaleo outlined some benefits of the ECG PowerApp, like allowing customers to transact business with ECG anywhere and anytime, providing real-time updates on their payments, enabling customers to report faults, and being safe, convenient, and secure for use 24/7.


“If you make a transaction and your MoMo account is debited after the transaction fails, the system will automatically refund your money to your PowerApp wallet,” she added.

The ECG General Manager announced that on July 11, the company commenced a nationwide revenue mobilisation exercise dubbed Operation Zero, which is expected to last for two months to ensure anybody consuming electricity settles all arrears for the company to gather enough revenue to sustain the electricity supply chain.

She appealed to members present that there are some people in their respective municipal and district assemblies who are consuming power without paying, so the general public should assist the company to ensure such people pay for electricity consumed.

“Some people are in our respective municipal and district assemblies as well as communities who are using power but are not paying or not in the ECG system as a result of obtaining meters through illegal sources or faulty meters, so let’s try and report these people or else we will be paying for power consumed while they consume for free,” she said.

She added that this exercise also targets such customers, and the company has given a moratorium, so such customers should take advantage of this moratorium and visit the ECG Office for their electricity supply to be regularised in the system.

The Volta Regional Minister, Hon. Dr. Archibald Letsa, on his part, underscored the importance of electricity to the socio-economic growth of this country and called on the general public to support ECG by paying their bills promptly.

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