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First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo commissions ultramodern library for pupils of Osenase Cluster

First Lady Rebecca Akufo Addo.

The first Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo Addo, has commissioned an ultramodern library for pupils at the Osenase Cluster of Schools in the Lower West Akyem Municipality.

The library, which was built with support from ASR Africa, a Nigerian philanthropic organisation, is hoped to improve the reading habits of children there.

At a ceremony to hand over the library, the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, while calling for more investment, asked children to make reading a habit.

The library is the 11th to be built under the Rebecca Foundation’s Learning to Read, Reading to Learn initiative.

The initiative aims to build a more literate population following a report which showed that many children in Africa struggle at the lower primary level to read or understand in the official or local language.

Aside from books, the library at Osenase in the Eastern region has 11 computers to support the teaching and learning of ICT and a residence for a librarian. Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo reiterated her charge to children and the beneficiary schools to read.

The Municipal Chief Executive, Seth Boadu, highlighted the Assembly’s investment in the education sector.

For the children at the Osenase cluster of schools, having such a library is a dream come true, as their parents could not have afforded to buy books or computers.

The Managing Director of ASR Africa, Dr Ubon Udor, while asking the beneficiaries to take advantage of the opportunity, said a few more libraries will be completed soon.

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