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WANEP launches response group for peaceful and credible polls


By Samuella Quartey

As Ghana prepares for the December 7, 2024 elections, concerns over electoral integrity are mounting in light of glitches and allegations during the voter registration process. 

In response to these challenges, the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) has launched the National Election Response Group (NERG) to proactively ensure peaceful and transparent elections.

NERG’s formation comes at a critical juncture as Ghana navigates the complexities of electoral preparations amid heightened scrutiny and public concern. 

With a mandate to address issues such as voter registration irregularities, electoral violence, and misinformation, NERG embodies a collaborative approach to safeguarding the democratic process.

At the heart of NERG’s mission lies a commitment to fostering an environment conducive to free and fair elections. Through strategic partnerships with governmental agencies, civil society organisations, and community leaders, NERG aims to proactively identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring that the electoral process remains transparent and credible.

The launch of NERG has been met with cautious optimism from stakeholders across the political spectrum. 

“In light of recent challenges during the voter registration exercise, the establishment of NERG is a welcome development,” remarked LevinIa Addae-Mensah, Programme Director and Deputy Executive Director of WANEP.

“It demonstrates a collective commitment to addressing electoral concerns and upholding the democratic values that form the foundation of our nation.”

Similarly, members of civil society have voiced their support for NERG’s objectives. 

“As advocates for peace and democracy, we commend WANEP for spearheading this initiative,” stated Mohammed Bin Salih, Representative of the National Peace Council.

“NERG has the potential to play a pivotal role in promoting transparency and accountability throughout the electoral process.”

In the coming weeks, NERG will embark on a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing voter education, monitoring electoral activities, and fostering dialogue among key stakeholders. 

As the nation counts down to Election Day, all eyes will be on NERG as it works tirelessly to ensure that Ghana’s democratic aspirations are realised.

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