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Savannah Region Road Washout: Roads Minister, Officials of Ghana Highway tour affected areas


By Gloria Anderson

Officials of the Ghana Highway Authority have toured the environs of the Doli Bridge in the West Gonja District to assess the situation and find a temporary solution to the problem.

The collapse of the bridge has seen an increase in transport fares in the area.

The Acting Director of Public Affairs of the Ghana Highway Authority, Cecil Nii Obodai Wentum, assured users that all is being done to fix the bridge.

”We have come to assess the situation, and we have realised it’s a very serious situation. The regional highway engineers and technicians have gathered to debrief and have taken some decisions to see how quickly we can provide relief to people who ply the road. We urged motorists to continue using the alternate routes provided for them.”

The Minister of Roads and Highways, Kwasi Amoako-Attah, said the contractor is already on-site mobilising holders and other logistics to start work. He asked road users to comply with the announced temporary measure as efforts are made to fix the bridge.

”I want to assure the people of this region and Ghana as a whole that the disaster is not just for the Savannah region and it will be treated as a national disaster. I want to assure the people on behalf of His Excellency that the government is attaching great importance to this problem. I urge the people to be tolerant and exercise a bit of patience as we try to tackle this problem because it must be done and properly to be able to last for a longer period.”

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