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Kumasi: Afro-Americans pledge to invest in Ghana

Kumasi: Afro-Americans pledge to invest in Ghana

By Thomas Nsowah Adjei

A team of Afro-American Missionaries has ended a 10-day working visit to Ghana with a pledge to invest in religious and social services, particularly in the rural communities.

The team has over the past 17 years made an uninterrupted missionary visit to Ghana has made Ghana its second home having identified it’s roots from the country with a common cultural and traditional identity.

In an interview with our Ashanti Regional Correspondent Thomas Nsowah-Adjei in Kumasi to round off the week-long working visit one of the leaders Reverend Dr Julian Dangerfield said investing in the rural and deprived communities has been the priority to make lives there meaningful.

The 17-member missionary team was led by a former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana Very Reverend Dr Yaw Frimpong Manso who now heads Emmanuel Presbyterian Reformed Church in New York.

The Afro American Missionaries team was also led by Reverend Dr Julian Dangerfield and Reverend Dr Robertson Junior.

The team has since collaborated with the Assemblies of God Church, Ghana to accomplish its ambition to establish five thousand new churches across the country.

It has adopted the Asante Mampong Babies Home, build solar panels to supply uninterrupted power to the Asante Mampong hospital, particularly the maternity block where it annually donates medical consumables to enhance delivery of services.

The founder of Mount Gilead Mission one of the team leaders Reverend Dr Julian NJ Dangerfield in an interview described the mission as very successful and fruitful.

He said members who are mainly black Americans shared common cultural values and traditions.

Rev Dr Dangerfield explained why members decided to collaborate with the Assemblies of God Ghana in it’s missionary services.

Rev Dr Dangerfield said rural evangelism is their main priority and commended Very Reverend Dr Frimpong Manso for his vision and interest in rural development.

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