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Kumasi: Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi addresses House of Chiefs End of Year meeting expressing optimism about 2023


By: Thomas Nsowah Adjei and Michael Akepaw Adombila

The President of the National House of Chiefs Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi has appealed to public sector workers to cooperate with the government in finding solutions to economic challenges facing the nation.

According to him, the crisis is global and could only be addressed through sacrifice and concerted effort.

Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi noted that the haircut and other austere measures adopted would meet the IMF management required for immediate approval and economic recovery.

He was addressing the end of year meeting of the House in Kumasi.

The meeting reflected on a number of issues the House has been able to successfully address considered outstanding matters.

The President of the House commended the Judicial Committee for successfully disposing of 18 Chieftaincy cases describing it as very outstanding.

He urged other Committees to work equally harder in the years ahead.

He said the other area of concern was the national economic crisis and said the House agrees with efforts being put in by the government to mitigate the impact of the crisis on Ghanaians and equally expects the public sector employees to cooperate to help stabilise the ailing economy.

Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi was however not happy with the renewed chieftaincy violence at Bawku and appealed to factions in the conflict to avoid bloody clashes and instead resort to the courts for amicable settlement to disputes.

The President of the House also asked the members to join their Communities to campaign against bushfires now that the dry season is drawing nearer.

The Vice President of the Bono Region House of Chiefs, Okokyeredom Sakyi Arko expressed misgivings about some policies put in place including the haircut to address the current economic challenges.

He agreed with the Attorney General position to reconsider the legal implications in some of the policies and the possible hike in inflation in 2023.

The Executive Committee of the Church of Pentecost, was in the House to introduce its Committee on Chieftaincy Ministry to the meeting.

It was led by Apostle Vincent Anane.

The House, though welcomed the news, wanted the Church to clarify its position on polygamy and some traditional practices the church sees as fetish.

The Omanhene of Abease Traditional area in the Central Region, Daasebre Kweebu Ewusi commended the church for the initiative.

He said chieftaincy is dynamic and many chiefs now belong to various religious denominations.


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