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N/R: Rice farmers in need of combine harvesters to harvest their produce

rice farmers

Rice farmers at Dalun in the Kumbungu District of the Northern Region are complaining about the lack of combined harvesters to harvest their produce.

This year, rice farmers have experienced a bumper harvest, however, they face wastage as the lack of combine harvesters continue to pose a critical challenge.

They are pleading with the Government and relevant authorities to support them to salvage their produce.

They spoke in an interview with GBCNews at Dalun.

In 2022, Ghana imported over 1.4 million metric tonnes of rice in the midst of a vast untapped domestic rice production, especially in Dalun.

Dalun is noted for the cultivation of rice on a small and commercial basis.

According to the rice farmers, the only combined harvester at Dalun serves over 200 farmers in the district.

A situation, they lament, is putting pressure on them and delaying and affecting the harvesting period of rice.

The farmers confirmed a bumper harvest this year. Mahama Safianu, a rice farmer at Dalun narrates to GBCNEWS the trauma farmers go through in the area.

The farmers also complained about inadequate and ready market for locally produced rice.

The operator of the only combined harvester at Dalun, Adam Abdul Gafaru explains the daily challenges he goes through as an operator.

The Reagent of Dalun, Adam Mahama called on the government to procure more combined harvesters to reduce the farmers’ predicament.

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