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Special Eucharist Mass to start New Year at Jubilee House

President Akufo-Addo
President Akufo-Addo.

By Mercy Darko

President Akufo-Addo has expressed confidence in the economy stressing that the best days of Ghana lie ahead. He said despite the current challenges, through the collective resolve of all, Ghana will excel as the battle remains the Lord’s.

He called on Ghanaians to continue to remember him and the nation in prayers. President Akufo Addo made these remarks when he, together with the Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, and First Lady, Rebecca Akufo Addo participated in a Special Eucharist Mass to mark the beginning of the year at the Jubilee House in Accra. Mercy Darko has more.

The Presidential New Year Special Eucharistic Service is an event held at the seat of government to pay allegiance to God for His mercies bestowed on the nation and seek His guidance and protection in the new year. The Service which is held on his behalf by the Archbishops, Bishops and Clergy of the Anglican Church of Ghana, creates the opportunity for the clergy to pray for a successful year. President Akufo-Addo said the Eucharist service is to express gratitude to God for sustaining the nation.

He commended the leadership of the Anglican Church for the dynamism being experienced in the church by pledging his commitment to participate in the upcoming International Anglican Consultative Conference scheduled to take place in Ghana. President Akufo Addo while congratulating Ghanaians for upholding Constitutional rule over the past 30 years, said Ghana will work its way to prosperity.

In a Homily, Archbishop of the Church of the Province of West Africa, The Most Rev. Dr Cyril Kobina Ben-Smith who shared a message on New Mercies, Love and Hope for Ghana said the country will surmount the challenges stressing that the country will not perish. He called all Ghanaians not to relent in praying for the government and the nation as a whole as God will not fail. Rev. Ben-Smith said the President’s commitment to building a Cathedral for the country will be achieved to the Glory of God adding that this year will be a year of God’s special remembrance for the nation. He also admonished traders to cut down their prices to reflect the current appreciation of the cedi.

Prayers were said for the President and his family, the Vice President, government’s officials, security services and the media among others.

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