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Three SHS Students in alleged burning to death of two persons remanded in Police Custody

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Source: GNA

The three Senior High School students who were arrested in connection with the burning to death of a Bolt rider, also a Naval Officer at Sekondi Baka-Ano in the Western Region, have been remanded into Police custody.

They have been slapped with several criminal charges and have been remanded by a Sekondi District Court.

The first accused person, Adolf Eshun, is facing only one count of abetment of crime being robbery.

The two others, Patrick Baidoo and Joseph Lord Nii Adjei Oninku, are being pressed with four charges. These include conspiracy to commit crime – attempted robbery, causing unlawful damage and murder. The two other counts are causing unlawful damage and murder, all contrary to the Criminal Offenses Act 29 of 1960.

Prosecutor, Inspector Jennifer Acheampong reading the facts of the case said suspect Adolf Eshun, aged 18, on December 22, ordered Bolt for suspects Patrick Baidoo, 19 years and Joseph Lord Ni Adjei Oninku, 17 because they were stranded. It later emerged that the two poured petrol on the deceased, AB1 Okyere Boateng who is also a Naval Officer and set him ablaze after he resisted an attempt to take away his vehicle.

The driver sustained burns on his face and several parts of his body. He later died at the 37 Military Hospital. The suspects after their arrest confessed to committing the crime.

The news has brought sadness and fear among Bolt drivers in the area. Meanwhile, the Court has adjourned the case to Tuesday, January 14, 2022.

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