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Work to commence on JUSAG multi-functional complex at Abokobi soon


By: Antoinette Selorm Abbah

Work is officially due to start on the Multi-functional complex for the Judicial Staff Association of Ghana, JUSAG at Abokobi in Accra.

This was after the Project site was handed over to Green-City Housing Project limited after the sod was cut for the project to commence five years ago.

Work to commence on JUSAG multi-functional complex at Abokobi soon

The Multi-Functional Facility Complex, which cost 45 million Euros comprises eight storey Offices, a hotel and recreational facilities.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony in Accra, JUSAG President Alex Nartey said work is expected to be completed in 36 months.

Handing over the project site to Green-City Housing Project Limited for work to start in earnest, JUSAG President, Alex Nartey said they have secured funding for the project and will serve as an additional source of income to the Association when completed.

Work to commence on JUSAG multi-functional complex at Abokobi soon

He asked the contractors to work on schedule and ensure that they deliver quality work.

He urged the contractors to ensure they deliver value for money.

“It also serves as JUSAGs golden jubilee mark. The importance is enormous, beyond that it is going to serve as financial and economic hub for the union because over the last 49 years the only thing we have depended upon as revenue is our various monthly contributions. I think this will bring a turnaround’’ Mr Nartey said.

The delay in the commencement of work on the multi-functional facility was due to factors beyond control.

Sod was cut for the project in 2017 by Her Ladyship, the then Chief Justice, Mrs. Justice Sophia Akuffo, and was expected to be completed three years after.

Work to commence on JUSAG multi-functional complex at Abokobi soon

However, that could not be done.

The CEO of Green-City Housing Project Limited, Isaac Ofori, said they have secured all the needed funding for the project.

He said they are partnering Top International Engineers to deliver the project. Mr Ofori was upbeat to give off its best and finish the project before the deadline.

Work to commence on JUSAG multi-functional complex at Abokobi soon

“I am sure give or take within two or three weeks, our monies would be transferred to us. For this particular project, we have an average of three years and Top International Engineers have promised to would be delivered in 24 months.

The deliverables of the project shows specification and supervision by the consultant is in order’’ he said.

The facility will among others open up the area and boost local economic activities.

JUSAG is expected to pay off the amount within ten years after completion of the project.

Work to commence on JUSAG multi-functional complex at Abokobi soon


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