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New Zealand is first country globally to extend ban of plastics to thin bags

New Zealand

New Zealand has become the first country in the world to expand its ban on plastic bags in supermarkets to include thin bags, which are typically used to hold fruits or vegetables. 

The move, which took effect on Saturday, is part of a wider government campaign against single-use plastics. Most shoppers already bring their own bags to stores after take-home plastic bags were banned in 2019.

Associate Environment Minister, Rachel Brooking, said New Zealand produces too much plastic waste, adding that more than one billion plastic bags have been saved since the ban on thicker bags.

The new move is expected to prevent the usage of 150 million plastic bags per year.

Critics have raised concerns that shoppers may just place groceries in disposable paper bags, which are still available in supermarkets. Meanwhile, supermarket chain ‘’Countdown’’, which operates more than 185 stores across the country, has started selling reusable polyester mesh bags. 

The company hopes this will encourage shoppers to use them for fruits and vegetables.

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Source: BBC

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