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Paris fire arson suspect moved to secure psychiatric unit


A woman arrested on suspicion of arson over yesterday’s deadly apartment block fire in Paris has been transferred to a secure psychiatric unit.

Monday night’s blaze which engulfed the nine story building killed at least 10 people and more than 30 people – including six firefighters – were injured.

Survivors are traumatised.

“When I tried to leave, there was black smoke so I hid in my bathroom and put all the towels I found at the bottom of the door and moistened them with water,” said one resident.

“I saw a young man, he jumped, well, he’s gone,” said another. “He didn’t have a chance, his apartment was on fire. I saw a woman screaming too, it was burning. Frankly, I thought my end was coming soon, I saw a fourth person jump, I thought, soon it will be my time, I’m not going to survive.”

The fire started on the second floor before spreading across the building. Emergency service video showed firefighters braving the flames to rescue residents.

Many survivors and witnesses are in a state of shock and counselling services have been provided.

Gaelle Abgrall, emergency psychiatrist, said: “The work we do here is not only for people who are suffering acute stress, it is also for those who feel well, to inform them about symptoms they should be aware of and the care structures they can turn to if they need help.”

The woman arrested is believed to have been arguing with a neighbour on the evening of the fire. After police questioning she was moved to a psychiatric hospital.

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